Plant Propagation Material

Plant Propagation Material Division

PROPAGATING MATERIAL – seeds, all plant material or vegetative parts of plants intended for the propagation and production of specific variety plants.

The Service performs crop and fruit plants inspection, sampling of lots for certification and seed quality analysis through certification of propagating material. Seed Certificates, Seed Potatoes Certificates or Fruit Plant Certificates, according to plant species, are issued for lots of propagating material, which quality meets the minimum quality requirements. Certified seed lots are tested in Post – control trials for varietal identity and varietal purity determination. Service inspects propagating material supplier’s which multiplies and supplies propagating material to the market and issues Propagating Material Suppliers Certificates. Gives the authorisation to market seed of varieties for which an application for National Plant Variety Listing has been submitted. Provides training courses on certification and market control of propagating material. Collects and organizes information about certified propagating material quantity and quality, crops and fruit plants field inspection.

Plant Propagating Material Division provides methodological assistance to structural units of the Service for certification and marketing of propagating material, testing of certified seed lots in Post – control trials, inspection and maintenance of propagating material suppliers.

Propagating material certification and market control are performed by the regional divisions of State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter - Service). Testing of certified seed lots in Post – control trials is carried out by Kaunas Regional Division.

Suppliers of propagating material for the certification of propagating material (crop and fruit plant inspection, sampling of lots for certification) shall contact the regional divisions of the Service according to their place of service. Plant Product Quality Testing Laboratory (Division) tests quality of certified seed and none certified according the requests of suppliers. Regional divisions of Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys and Šiauliai carry out seed testing only on the requests of suppliers.

Contacts of eployees

Plant Propagating Material Division

Ozo Str. 4A, 08200 Vilnius, phone +370 5 237 5631, e-mail: [email protected]

PositionName, surnamePhoneE-mail
Head of the DivisionMarija Alechnovič+370 5 275 4050[email protected]


Agnė Jurevičiūtė+370 69202438[email protected]

Last updated: 30-05-2024