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European Commission authorisation

    Plant Protection Products Authorisation - administrative act by which State Plant Service under Ministry of Agriculture authorises the placing on the market of a plant protection product in Lithuania.

            Plant Protection Products Authorisation Division after receiving application and all data required carries out the assessment of data provided for plant protection products authorisation, i.e. evaluation of active substances and their products identity, physical chemical properties and analytical methods validation, toxicological and metabolism studies, residues in and on treated plants or plant products, fate and behaviour in the environment, ecotoxicological studies, biological efficacy.   

            Carries out risk assessment for operators, workers, bystanders and residents and for birds, mammals, aquatic organisms, soil   micro and macro organisms, non target arthropods.

            Comes to decisions for granting plant protection products authorisation, non-authorisation, re-registration, expansion and changes of uses, etc..

             Examines the applications and documents related for granting parallel trade permits, authorisations for placing on the market products for a period not exceeding 120 days, permits for scientific research and trial purposes.

             Assesses the equivalence of technical active substance.

            Coordinates activities of Good Experimental  Practice.

             Participates in the EU process of active substances assessment, expert working groups on Pesticide Risk Assessment Peer Review Process, the EU Commission Standing Committee on Food Chain and Animal Health Section: Plant Protection Products – Legislation, EFSA Pesticide Steering Committee.

    Contact points

    Ozo str. 4A, LT-08200 Vilnius, phone +370 5 2624940

    PositionName, surnamePhoneE-mail
    Head of the DivisionKristina Valionienė+370 5 262 4940[email protected]


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     Application forms





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    List of authorised plant protection products (in Lithuanian) 

    For professional use

    Plant protection products for non professional use

    EU legislation:   


    Phytosanitary control

    Control of wood and wood packaging material

    Quality control of fresh fruits and vegetables


    Control of invasive plants


    Last updated: 09-01-2024